East Riding Artists Pocklington Arts Centre Open Exhibition

East Riding Artists Pocklington Open Exhibition 2024

The East Riding Artists Open Exhibition at Pocklington Arts Centre soon begins. There will be a range of works in the exhibition.

East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024
East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024

Above we have my ‘Gaia’ painting of the Earth and on the right some paintings by Heather Burton.

East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024
East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024

The line drawings above are remarkable as they are drawn from one continuous line by artist Geoff Hewitt. This takes a lot of skill and forward planning.

East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024
East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024

Above we have some lovely still life paintings of fruits and natural forms.

East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024
East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024

Here we have an assortment of works inspired by the patterns of nature. The centrepiece here is the wonderful sculpture by Penny de Corte, inspired as her work often is by ammonites.

East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024
East Ring Artists Pocklington Open 2024

Some striking flower and landscape paintings here. The East Riding of Yorkshire does inspire landscape and nature artists.

Pocklington cafe
Pocklington cafe

Finally a quick stop at a Pocklington cafe for a cappuccino and some artistic reflection.


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