Hull Print Collective, Burton Constable

Arts and Crafts at Burton Constable Hall

On the last Sunday of each month there is a craft fair at Burton Constable Hall. And so I recently visited the venerable hall to see what was on offer.

Reusable items at Burton Constable Hall craft fair
Reusable everyday items at Burton Constable craft fair

Green thinking and recycling are now found in the crafts community with many stalls such as the one pictured above selling sustainable and reusable everyday items.

Local photographers exhibit at Burton Constable Hall craft fair
Local photographers sell their wares at Burton Agnes craft fair

East Yorkshire is home to many talented photographers and their work was on display at the crafts fair. There is a lot of photogenic material in the county, both man-made cultural or historical, and natural beauty.

Hand made wooden toys on sale at Burton Constable Hall craft fair
Hand made wooden toys on sale at Burton Constable Hall craft fair

Traditional crafts are still pursued in East Yorkshire – here can be seen some traditional wooden toys. There is a helicopter in there, so not always so traditional… but you get the idea.

Hull Print Collective display their work at Burton Constable community art gallery
Hull Print Collective display their work at burton Constable community art gallery

Hull Print Collective has been a feature of the East Yorkshire arts scene for years and is one of the diminishing number of places where people can try their hand at print making in an open community environment.

Lino prints by the Hull Print Collective at Burton Constable Hall
Lino prints by the Hull Print Collective at Burton Constable Hall

Hull Print Collective has a lot of expertise in relief printing as can be seen above in these linocut prints.

Drypoint and etched prints from the Hull Print Collective at Bishop Burton Hall
Drypoint and etched prints from the Hull Print Collective at Bishop Burton Hall

A further set of prints here demonstrate the use of sharp etching tools to make relief prints using drypoint and etching techniques. In these prints the lines tend to be finer.

Print making is a fascinating process which has over the centuries engaged the greatest artists from Durer to Rembrandt to Picasso. I have dabbled in print making and you can see my efforts here.

After all the arts and crafts there is always the café at Burton Constable Hall, where there are more delights to be had.

The delights of the cafe at Burton Constable Hall
The delights of the café at Burton Constable Hall


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