New Paths Festival 2023

The New Paths Music Festival

I am a regular attendee at the various music festivals and events held in East Yorkshire.

Live non-amplified classical music is always refreshing – the clarity of the acoustics and the natural harmonics and tones of the instruments.

So it was particularly nice to attend the New Paths Festival in September 2023 and listen to Vasks: String Quartet No. 3 played by musicians including:

Meesun Hong Coleman (violin)
Charlotte Scott (violin)
Jane Atkins (viola)
Nathaniel Boyd (cello)

New Paths Music Festival. A late evening performance in St Mary's Church, Beverley
New Paths Music Festival. A late evening performance of Vasks: String Quartet No. 3 in St Mary’s Church, Beverley

St Mary’s Church is a beautiful and fitting venue for such beautiful music.

New Paths Music Festival. A late evening performance in St Mary's Church, Beverley
The audience awaits the musicians at one of the late evening sessions in St Mary’s Church, Beverley

I’m all ready for New Paths Music Festival 2024.


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