Still Life with assorted Fruits

Still Life with various fruits

Still life with fruits
Still life with fruits
Medium: Oil on Canvas
SizeWidth: 12 inchesHeight: 14 inches

This picture started out as my own take on the Cezanne still life. Let's hear it for organic produce.

I tried in the picture to make sure a good range of colours were represented across the spectrum.

The fruits represent nature of course and our cultivation of it. Maybe the table cloth beneath represents the way we try to layer nature on top of our own world, to invite nature into our sphere. Remembering of course that we are ultimately derived from nature ourselves.

I have tried to replicate the simple beauty of nature here with these fruits. No need for anything other than just the colours before me.

Further Information

Still lifes are one of the oldest types of painting.

Follow this link for further information about fruitarian diet (opens a new browser window)