Medieval Oriel Window, Lincoln
Beautiful medieval oriel window in Lincoln, England
SizeWidth: 30 inchesHeight: 40 inches
The Oriel window in Lincoln is very beautiful. It was taken from John of Gaunt's Palace, Lincoln, and moved to its present position in 1849.
A fascination here are the three faces at the bottom of the window. Who are they? Why are they at the bottom of a very beautiful and ornate window? I think at least one of them was once a King. And beneath them is that an angel? I think there is significance to the order. The natural world at the top, the Kings in the middle and the angel at the bottom. I hope it is an angel and not a denizen of some other place...
Further Information
Although John of Gaunt's Palace is long gone, the city of Lincoln is worth a visit.
Follow this link for further information about John of Gaunt's Palace (opens a new browser window)