Russia's artists in the twenty first century

October 25, 2020

Russia's artists in the twenty first century

Russian art in the twenty first century has come a long way since socialist realism

Many people when thinking of Russian art tend to think of Constructivism in the years following the 1917 Revolution, or of Socialist Realism from the 1930s to the 1950s.

However after the death of Stalin, Russian art began to open up and as long as artists did not criticise the Soviet system they were able to make art which was figurative and interesting. The Soviet education and training system for artists appears to have been the equal of any in the world, and has left Russia with a community of well-trained artists.

In July 1988 there was a Sothebys auction of art which caused great controversy by converting Soviet art into money. Rock stars such as David Bowie and Elton John bought work. Shortly afterwards the Soviet system collapsed and Russian artists had to scramble for their living outside of the old communist system which, whatever its flaws, provided them with real and metaphorical space to work in.

Russians have never lost touch with their history. They have a lot of history to look back on, and do not have to avoid the appalling legacies which blight European imperialist countries such as colonial exploitation, slavery or racial genocide. This in my opinion makes Russian art interesting, as the Russians freely mix references to their history and culture into their art in a way that is less often seen in Europe or the USA.

So, who are the Russian artists whose work is contemporary but reflects the proud splendour of their past? Here are a few of my picks.

Pavel Pokidyshev

This St Petersburgh artist makes incredible work, instantly recognisable. His works seem to be a sort of painterly mashup of Russian history and nature.

Olga Suvorova

This St Petersburgh artist paints incredible colourful paintings drawn from the rich imperial history of her home city.

Dmitry Shorin

This artist reminds me of some of the old Soviet propaganda posters, and mixes images of femininity and modernity in the form of aviation.

Dmitry Shorin

Marina Federovna

Popular in Paris apparently, this artist mixes fashion and other elements into compelling paintings.

Don't forget to buy milk, Marina Federovna, Courtesy of ERARTA

Vyacheslav Mikhailov

This artist explores new approaches to painting and has exhibited around the world.

Feast at the Time of Plague by Vyacheslav Mikhailov courtesy of Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art, St. Petersburg, Russia

Maxim Kantor

This intellectual artist explores the problems brought by globalisation.

Maxim Kantor - Last Judgement