Hull's cultural railway station

July 16, 2022

Hull's cultural railway station

I like the way Hull City Council have made the railway station a place to remind travellers of Hull’s contribution to British culture.

Philip Larkin statue at Hull railway station

Philp Larkin was a librarian at Hull University and often wrote about the city, generally in a favourable way. The statue of Larkin is really good and adds greatly to the railway station.

Philp Larkin quote at Hull railway station.

Philip Larkin quote at Hull railway station.

If Larkin's poetry represents high culture then Hull has also made many contributions to popular culture. Popular bands the Beautiful South, House Martins and Fine Young Cannibals were all from Hull. However, no Hull band is more revered than the Spiders from Mars.

Plaque for the Spiders from Mars

Several members of the Spiders from Mars were from Hull. David Bowie's versatile backing band played the music from his legendary creative period in the early 1970s which brought worldwide commercial and critical success. In particular Mick Ronson, the band's guitarist, proved to be a capable arranger and producer, who was often given free reign with Bowie's songs. It seems that the maestro Bowie was often not inclined to pore over the production of his songs and trusted Ronson to make the finishing touches.