An art exhibition about violence against women

June 07, 2024

An art exhibition about violence against women

At Hull University's prestigious Brynmor Jones Gallery there was recently a remarkable exhibition of paintings on the difficult and challenging subject of violence against women.

The art in the exhibition is excellent and definitely achieves the presumed aim of making the viewer reflect and think.

as far as I could see the works of art were not attributed to any artist though they looked like the work on one person, presumably female.

Art about violence against women

This work made me think of a woman behind a curtain which maybe suggests that domestic violence if often hidden in the family home.

Art about violence against women

Here we have another woman looking out from behind a curtain again, this time she looks more fearful and isolated. In the colours of the picture is the hint of blood.

Art about violence against women

Here a woman seems to have a black eye, a common outcome of domestic violence. Around her mouth is more scarlet red, suggesting that she may have been punched, which is also common with domestic violence. Again she looks fearful.

Art about violence against women

Another woman with traces of bruising around her eye. There is a man silhouetted in the doorway - is he dragging her by the hair? Is his right fist clenched? This is a powerful image. The ominous scarlet colours suggest danger and blood.

As I said earlier - time to reflect on this sad and difficult topic.