Beautiful classic American car - Mercury Turnpike Cruiser

April 01, 2018

Beautiful classic American car - Mercury Turnpike Cruiser

I came across this car during a classic car rally in Beverley, England in the summer. I was struck by its beauty - the motor car as art! The design of the car goes far beyond utility, and reflects its time and historical context - before fuel consumption became the major factor in determining the shape of a car.

I researched this photograph and I think the car is a 1957 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Classic American car - 1957 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser

The damp climate in the United Kingdom must make this a difficult car to maintain due to all the chrome, which will surely be prone to rust. During the winter British local government puts rock salt on the roads to melt ice but this salt stays around and is thrown up onto the bodywork of cars on the road, causing them to rust more than they otherwise would.

Classic American car - 1957 Mercury Turnpike Cruiser

The Mercury Turnpike is not the most beautiful American car I have seen - that goes to the 1977 Lincoln Continental Town Car. I saw one of those on holiday in Los Angeles in 1993.

Lincoln Contint=ental 1970s

I appreciate that not everyone will share my views on what is a beautiful car.