I live near the market town of Beverley in East Yorkshire and this in itself is a great privilege. In the centre of the town is Beverley Minster, a very beautiful Gothic church which is the spiritual home of St John of Beverley and a working parish church which holds regular services. In its medieval heyday the Minster was the centre of the Northern Guild of Minstrels, or musicians.
Inside and outside the Minster are many beautiful and historic carved status, and I thought I would detail a few of them in this post.

The beautiful west door of Beverley Minster
In the picture above you can see the number of carvings on just one part - the west wing - of the Minster

Decorative buttresses at the west door of Beverley Minster

A couple of medieval carvings. On the left Noah and on the right Adam.
In the carving above the man in the left has just bought some fish and chips in a polystyrene container. No seriously, it is Noah with a model of the ark.

These carvings are from left to right: Hezekiah, King of Judah, c. 715-686 BC. Hannah, mother of Samuel. Ezekiel.

Queen Elizabeth I of England
Queen Elizabeth the 1st is not the only monarch to be honoured with a carving at the Minster. The monarch is the head of the Church of England and there has always been a close link between monarchy and church. It was long believed that monarchs had a divine right to rule bestowed by God.